GAIL had organized Sustainability Seminar themed “Aligning with Sustainability Trends and defining actions” for Public sector on 8th October, 2018 at GAIL Jubilee Tower, Noida. The Seminar was attended by over 50 delegates representing Coal; Gas & Power sectors PSU and private companies together with the senior executives of GAIL. The knowledge partner for this seminar was TERI- Council for Business Sustainability. The Seminar for Indian oil & gas sector was conducted to help the participants better understand what sustainability means for companies and how it can add value and resilience to their operations.
- The Inaugural Address for the seminar was given by Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
- Mr. R R Rashmi, Former Additional Secretary, MOEF &CC and Distinguished Fellow, TERI gave the special address to all participants
- Mr. Shankar Venkateswaran, former Chief of Tata Sustainability Group (TSG) and Consultant-TERI CBS discussed Sustainability Super Trends 2018 and relevance for Indian oil and gas sector.
- GAIL & United Nation’s Global Compact Network India (UN GCNI) chapter organised Monthly Knowledge Sharing and Networking Meeting on “Sustainable Energy for all” GAIL Jubilee Tower, Noida on 22.11.18.


Second from the left, Shri R K Choubey, Chief General Manager, Sustainability Department, GAIL (India) Limited addressing the gathering at the BSE-GRI event on April 3rd, 2019 on Sustainability Reporting and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- 2019- 3rd year in a row- GAIL included in the Global Sustainability Index FTSE4GOOD Index Series
- 2018- 2nd year in a row- GAIL included in the Global Sustainability Index FTSE4GOOD Index Series
- 2017- GAIL included in the Global Sustainability Index FTSE4GOOD Emerging Index.
- 2016- GAIL conferred with ‘Company of the Year’ PetroFed Award in the category of Environment Sustainabilitys
- 2015- GAIL (India) Limited received Sustainability Reporting Award during India Corporate Governance & Sustainability Vision Summit & Awards 2015 by Indian Chamber of Commerce.
- 2014- GAIL conferred with 4 Star GRIHA rating for green building for Administrative building at Chhainsa Compressor Station.
- 2013- GAIL was awarded Parivartan Sustainability Leadership Awards 2013 in the category of ‘Sustainability Disclosure Award 2013’ for the most consistent disclosure by PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) on Sustainability parameters over the 4 year period between 2010 and 2013.
- 2012- GAIL (India) Limited has won the ‘Company of the Year’ award in the Environmental Sustainability category of the annual PetroFed Oil & Gas Industry Awards for 2012.
Last Updated: August 13, 2019