Investor’s Information


Investor Guide


The securities of GAIL are listed at

Stock Exchange Security Code Nature of Security
National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) GAILEQ Equity Shares
BSE Limited 532155 Equity Shares
London Stock Exchange GAID LI GAILY US GDRs


Procedure and Formats for Transmission of Securities:

SEBI vide Circular No SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2022/65 dated 18.05.2022 simplified the procedure and provided formats of documents for transmission of securities.

The cases covered are as follows:

  • Demise of Sole Holder where nomination is registered
  • Demise of Sole Holder where nomination is not registered


A) In case of Demise of the Sole Holder and if Nomination is registered, the legal representative is required to provide the following documents: -

  • Transmission Request Form as per Annexure-C.
  • Original death certificate or Copy of death certificate attested by a notary public/gazette officer or copy of the death certificate attested by the nominee(s)/claimant(s)/legal heir(s), subject to verification with original by the RTA/Listed Issuer.
  • Self-attested copy of Permanent Account Number Card (PAN) of the nominee(s)/claimant(s)/legal heir(s) issued by the Income Tax Department.
  • Copy of Birth Certificate (in case the nominee/claimant/legal heir is a minor)
  • KYC* of the Claimant Guardian (in case of nominee /claimant being a minor / of unsound mind).
  • Original security certificate(s)
*If not KYC compliant

B) In case of Demise of the Sole Holder and if Nomination is not registered, the legal representative is required to provide the following documents in addition to the documents mentioned in A above, namely:

g) Notarized affidavit from all legal heir(s) made on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value on identity and claim of ownership, as per the format provided in Annexure D.

h) In case the legal heir(s)/claimant(s) are named in the Succession Certificate or Probate of Will or Will or Letter of Administration or Legal Heirship Certificate (or its equivalent certificate), instead of the document mentioned in point (g) above, an Affidavit from such legal heir(s)/claimant(s), duly Notarised and as per the format provided in Annexure D, shall be sufficient

i) Copy of any of the following documents:

  • Succession certificate; or
  • Probate of Will; or
  • Will, along with a notarized indemnity bond from the legal heir(s)/claimant(s) to whom the securities are transmitted, as per the format specified provided in Annexure E; or
  • Letter of Administration; or
  • Court Decree; or
  • Legal Heirship Certificate or its equivalent, along with

(1) a notarized indemnity bond from the legal heir(s) / claimant(s) to whom the securities are transmitted, as per the format specified provided in Annexure E; and

(2) No Objection from all the non -claimants, duly attested by a notary public or by a gazetted officer as per the format provided in Annexure F.

The document should be Attested by the legal heir(s)/claimant(s) subject to verification with the original or duly attested by a notary public or by a Gazetted officer.


As on the date of submission of complete documentation, for cases where the value of securities is:

  • A) Physical Securities
    Upto Rs 5 lakhs per listed entity
  • A) Dematerialised Securities
    Upto Rs 15 lakhs per listed entity

instead of and where the documents mentioned in point (i) above are not available, the following documents may be submitted:

  1. no objection certificate from all legal heirs(s), as per the format provided in Annexure F, or copy of family settlement deed executed by all the legal heirs, duly attested by a notary public or by a gazetted officer; and
  2. notarized indemnity bond made on non - judicial stamp paper of appropriate value, indemnifying the Share Transfer Agent/listed entity, in as per the format provided in Annexure E.
  1. Ready reckoner: Documents required for Transmission of Securities is as per Annexure A.
  2. Operational Guidelines for processing investor’s service request for the purpose of transmission of securities is as per Annexure B.


SEBI vide Circular No SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/644 dated 18.10.2021 provided clarification for Transmission of Securities in cases where securities are held by joint Holder(s).

In this regard, RTAs are hereby advised to comply with the aforesaid provisions of the Companies Act 2013 and transmit securities in favour of surviving Joint holder(s), in the event of demise of one or more joint holder(s), provided that there is nothing contrary to the same in the Article of Association of the company.


National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) vide circular dated 07.10.2022 specified Operational Guidelines for Demat of securities received for processing investor service requests. The same is covered under (III) below.

  1. After verifying and processing the request, the RTA / Issuer Companies shall intimate the claimant(s) about its execution as may be applicable, by way of issuing a Letter of Confirmation (Format at Annexure G).
  2. The RTA shall retain the physical securities as per the existing procedure and deface the certificate with a stamp “Letter of Confirmation Issued” on the face / reverse of the certificate, subsequent to processing of service request.
  3. The Letter of Confirmation shall, inter-alia, contain details of folio and demat account number (if available) of the claimant(s).
  4. The Letter of Confirmation shall be sent by the RTA / Issuer Companies through Registered / Speed Post to the claimant(s) and a digitally signed copy of the Letter of Confirmation shall be sent by the RTA/Issuer Companies to the claimant(s) through e-mail.
  5. Within 120 days of issue of the Letter of Confirmation, the claimant(s) shall submit the demat request via demat request form (DRF), along with the original Letter of Confirmation or the digitally signed copy of the Letter of Confirmation, to the Depository Participant (“DP”).In case of non-receipt of demat request from the claimant(s) within 120 days of the date of issue of the Letter of Confirmation, the securities shall be credited to Suspense Escrow Demat Account of the Issuer Company
  6. The RTA / Issuer Companies shall issue a reminder after the end of 45 days and 90 days from the date of issuance of the Letter of Confirmation, informing the claimant(s) to submit the demat request as above, in case no such request has been received by the RTA / Issuer Company.
  7. Every Client shall submit to the Participant the securities for dematerialisation along with the Dematerialisation Request Form (DRF). The specimen of the DRF is given in Form 4.
  8. The Participant shall forward the DRF so received, along with the letter of confirmation to the Issuer or its Registrar & Transfer Agent after electronically registering such request with the Depository. Such DRF shall be forwarded by the Participant not later than seven days of accepting the same from its Client. Provided further that in case of transposition/transmission/signature variation with issuer’s records and dematerialisation cases, the Participant shall also forward Form 31/32/42 as the case may be, along with the DRF to the Issuer or its Registrar & Transfer Agent.
  9. In the case of securities which have been submitted for dematerialisation for which any objection memo has been received from the Issuer or its Registrar and Transfer Agent, the Participant shall facilitate the correction of such objections on a timely basis. DP shall generate the demat request number (DRN) on the basis of the Letter of Confirmation and forward the same to the Issuer Company / RTA for processing the demat request.
  10. In case of a public or rights issue with respect to a security which has been admitted to the Depository to be held in dematerialised form, the Issuer or its Registrar and Transfer Agent shall provide the Clients with the facility to indicate their option between electronic and physical holdings in the share application form in the form and manner provided in Form 5.
  11. After successful verification, the Issuer or its Registrar & Transfer Agent shall intimate the Depository authorising an electronic credit for that security in favour of the Client. On receipt of such intimation, the Depository shall cause necessary credit entries to be made in the account of the Client concerned.
  12. Where the Issuer or its Registrar & Transfer Agent rejects any dematerialisation request, it shall electronically intimate the Depository regarding such rejection within a period of fifteen days.
  13. In case of the securities which are required to be locked in, the RTA while approving / confirming the demat request, shall incorporate / intimate the Depository about the lock-in and its period.
  14. In the event of an intimation being received by the Depository from Issuer or Registrar & Transfer Agent to credit the account of the Client with securities which do not match with the details of the Client or Participant, the balance shall be held in suspense account and shall be reconciled.
  15. In the event of any person making a claim to the securities that are held in the name of the Client with the Depository after the same are so registered, such claim must be settled amongst the Participants, Clients and Issuer or its Registrar & Transfer Agent.

Depository System

The Depository System is an improvement over the age-old scrip based share trading system, where shares were held in the form of physical share certificates.

Under the Depository System, shares are kept in the form of electronic entries in the records of Depository. The share-related transactions are also done electronically. The actual shareholders enjoy all their rights, viz., dividend, voting rights etc.

  • Elimination of loss, theft or fraud of share certificates
  • Elimination of bad deliveries
  • Elimination of delays and problems of paper-based system
  • Faster transaction-processing due to electronic system
  • Internet based trading becomes possible
  • A single demat account can be utilized for shares of many companies
  • No stamp duty to be paid on the shares

GAIL has entered into an agreement with both National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) for dematerialisation of its shares.

Shares of the Company are compulsorily traded in dematerialized form w.e.f. 15.02.1999.

  • Depository
  • Depository Participant
  • Beneficial Owner
  • Dematerialisation
  • Rematerialisation

Depository: Depository means a company formed and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 which has been issued a certificate by SEBI to act as a Depository. Presently, there are two such Depositories, viz., National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL)

A Depository can be compared to a bank. It holds the investors' securities in electronic form, and also provides services related to transaction in securities.

Depository Participant (DP): A DP is a link between the investor and the depository. It maintains the accounts of shareholders in electronic form and it can be a participant in either NSDL or CDSL or both. A DP is provided with a unique registration number called the DP ID.

Beneficial Owner: A Beneficial Owner is the true owner of the securities which are held in demat form with the Depository.

The Beneficial Owner enjoys all the rights of ownership such as dividend, voting rights etc.; however the Depository (such as NSDL or CDSL) is the registered owner of the securities.

At the time of opening an account with the DP, the Beneficial Owners are given an account number called the Client ID number. Shareholders must quote their DP ID-Client ID in all correspondence with the Company / R&TA.

Process of opening demat account PDF (174 KB) (click here) (Source – NSDL website)

  • Investor has to first choose a DP based on his convenience and the DP’s charges.
  • The investor has to submit a completely filled, signed account opening form in the prescribed format along with following documents such as Photocopy of the PAN card (along with the original for verification), Proof of Identity, Proof of address. List of documents which are acceptable as proof of identity / address can be obtained from the DP.
  • Before opening the demat account, the investor will have to execute an agreement on a stamp paper to be provided by the DP, which defines the rights and obligations of both, the investor and the DP.
  • On opening a demat account, a unique BO ID (Beneficial Owner Identification) Number is allotted, which should be quoted in all future transactions.

Dematerialisation refers to the process of converting physically held shares into demat form

Process of Dematerialisation

  • The shareholder has to open an account with a DP.
  • The shareholder has to submit a request to the DP for dematerialisation in the prescribed form along with the relevant share certificates. The form has to be submitted in triplicate.
  • The DP forwards the request to the company (or its R&TA) who will verify the particulars of the request.
  • If the relevant details are found to be correct, the above request is then forwarded to the company's R&TA electronically.
  • After the confirmation of request by the Company's R&TA, the request for dematerialisation is processed, and the shareholder's account with the DP is credited with the number of his shares

Rematerialisation is the process of conversion of electronically held shares into physical form.

For Rematerialisation, a shareholder has to submit a request to his DP. The DP blocks the client's account, and forwards the request to the R&TA, who in turn forward the request to the Depository. After the request is accepted by the Depository (NSDL/CDSL), the R&TA rematerialises the Share Certificates.


Dividend Information

To check the Company's dividend history, (131 KB) click here.

Investor Education and Protection Fund

The Companies Act, 1956 provides that the amounts of dividend remaining unpaid and unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date they became due for payment, shall be credited to the 'Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)', established by the Central Government. After the transfer, no claim upon such amount shall lie against the Fund or the Company.

Members, who have not encashed their Dividend Warrants for the respective financial year(s), may approach the R&TA / Company for issuance of demand draft(s) upon completion of necessary formalities in the said behalf, if any.

To check the last date of transfer of dividend amount to IEPF, PDF (75 KB) click here.

Through the National Electronic Clearing Service (NECS) facility, the dividend amount gets directly credited in the bank account of the shareholder.

Members are requested to avail the NECS facility for their dividend payment, which will provide them with the following benefits:

  • Hassle free receipt of dividend
  • Elimination of postal delays
  • No loss of dividend warrant
  • No fraudulent encashment

  • Members holding physical shares are requested to send the completed NECS form to the R&TA. To download NECS Form, PDF (12 KB) click here.
  • Members holding electronic shares are requested to contact their Depository Participant (DP) to take note of their NECS request.


Nomination Facility

The Companies Act, 2013, provides for the nomination facility, through which, every holder of securities of a Company can nominate any person to receive their shares in the event of their death

Members are recommended to avail the nomination facility for their securities. The nomination facility can also be availed in case of jointly held-shares.

To download the Nomination Form (SH-13 & SH-14), PDF (160 KB) click here.


Transfer of Shares

Newspaper Publications


Duplicate / New Share Certificates


The value of the securities will be calculated on the basis of the closing price of such securities at any one of the recognized stock exchanges, a day prior to the date of such submission in the application.

  • 1) For security holders whose value of securities is upto 5 Lacs:
  • A) Documents required to be submitted by security holder while requesting for issuance of duplicate securities:
    1. a) Form A – Affidavit for issuance of duplicate securities (word/pdf)
    2. b) Form B – Indemnity for issuance of duplicate securities (word/pdf)
    3. c) Form ISR– 4 – Investor Service Request Form (word/pdf)
  • 2) For security holders whose value of securities is more than 5 Lacs:
  • In addition to the documents mentioned at point 1 (A) above, the security holder shall submit the following documents:
    1. A) Copy of FIR including e-FIR/Police complaint/Court injunction order/copy of plaint (where the suit filed has been accepted by the Court and Suit No. has been given), necessarily having details of the securities, folio number, distinctive number range and certificate numbers
    2. B) Advertisement regarding loss of securities in a widely circulated newspaper.
  • 3) For Overseas security holders An overseas securities holder, in lieu of documents mentioned in 2 (A), shall be permitted to provide self-declaration of the security certificates lost/misplaced/stolen which shall be duly notarized/ apostilled /attested by the Indian Consulate / Embassy in their country of residence, along with self-attested copies of valid passport and overseas address proof.
  • 4) Form C – Form for Approval of security holder’s request (to be provided by R&TA/ Company to security holder) (word/pdf)

Note: -

  • a) In case of non-availability of Certificate Nos. /Distinctive Nos./ Folio nos., the security holder may submit written request to “MCS Share Transfer Agent Limited”, R&TA of GAIL (India) Limited (GAIL).
  • b) The request will be processed by the R&TA only if the signature and the address of the security holder matches with the records maintained by the R&TA /GAIL.
  • c) In case the signature and/or the address do not match, the security holder shall first comply with the KYC procedure and then only the details of the securities shall be provided to the security holder by the R&TA/listed company.
  • d) The R&TA/Company shall provide the approval of the security holder’s request in Form C as per point 4 above.
  • e) There shall be no requirement of submission of surety for issuance of duplicate securities.
  • f) SEBI vide Gazette Notification no. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2022/66 dated January 24, 2022, has mandated that the securities that are issued pursuant to investor service request(s) shall be issued in demat mode only and hence the security certificates (wherever applicable) are retained at R&TA end.
  • g) Accordingly, within 120 days of the approval of the request of the security holder by R&TA/ GAIL, security holders are requested to demat their securities with their Depository Participant (DP) using the Dematerialization Request Form (DRF), which shall be provided by the respective Depository Participant (DP).
  • h) Security Holders are requested to fill the Dematerialization Request Form (DRF) with the details mentioned in the approval letter provided by the R&TA/GAIL, sign it and present the approval letter in original to your Depository Participant (DP) along with the Dematerialization Request Form (DRF) for enabling your Depository Participant (DP) to raise a Demat Request Number (DRN).
  • i) In case the security holders do not have a demat account, kindly open one with any Depository Participant (DP). Please note that the security holders can open Basic Service Demat Account at minimal / nil charges.
  • j) Please note that the approval letter provided by R&TA/GAIL is valid only for a period of 120 days from the date of its issue within which the security holders have to raise demat request with their Depository Participant (DP).
  • k) Any request for processing demat after the expiry of aforesaid 120 days will not be entertained and as per the operating guidelines issued by SEBI, the subject securities shall be transferred to a Suspense Escrow Demat Account of the Company.

R & T Agent

R & T Agent

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (R&TA)

The Registrar & Share Transfer Agent of the Company can be contacted for all investor queries and complaints.

The R&TA is responsible for - maintenance of records of shareholders, effecting share transfers, issuance of duplicate share certificates, effecting rematerialisation requests, printing and dispatch of dividend warrants, etc.

The R&TA of GAIL is MCS SHARE TRANSFER AGENT LIMITED, who can be contacted at the following address / telephone nos

179-180, DSIDC Shed, 3rd Floor
Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase – I
New Delhi – 110 020
Ph: 011-41406149/50/51
Email-id: admin[at]mcsregistrars[dot]com

Company Secretary

The address for correspondence with the Company is

Company Secretary,
GAIL (India) Limited,
16, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
R. K. Puram,
New Delhi - 110066 ( INDIA)

Tel: 91-11-26172580, 26182955
Fax: 91-11-26185941
E-mail: shareholders[at]gail[dot]co[dot]in

Details of Shares Transferred to IEPF Authority

Procedure for claiming Shares unpaid amount and shares transferred to IEPF Authority

Procedure for claiming Shares unpaid amount and shares transferred to IEPF Authority

Communication sent to Shareholders

Details of Shares liable to be transferred to IEPF Authority

Newspaper Publication (Transfer of Shares to IEPF)

Nodal Officer:

Mr. Mahesh Kumar Agarwal
Email: shareholders[at]gail[dot]co[dot]in

Deputy Nodal Officer(s):

1) Ms. Preeti Aggarwal
Email: preetiaggarwal[at]gail[dot]co[dot]in

2) Mr. Nikhil Joshi
Email: nikhil_joshi[at]gail[dot]co[dot]in


“Dear Shareholder,

A common Online Dispute Resolution Portal (“ODR Portal”) which harnesses online conciliation and online arbitration for resolution of disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market has been established. SMART ODR Portal (Securities Market Approach for Resolution through ODR Portal) can be accessed via following link – SMARTODR”

Please refer to the circulars as stated under:

  • SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/145 dated July 31, 2023 (updated as on August 4, 2023), on “Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market” – Circular
  • SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/156 dated September 20, 2023, on “Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal (SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform”. - Circular
  • NSE circular no. 51/2024 dated October 07, 2024, on “Dissemination of the SCORES 2.0 domain name on the website of the Trading Members”. - Circular


category(s) Particulars
Type of Security 7.34% Unsecured, Listed, Rated, Taxable, Non-Cumulative, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures
Trustees- Contact Details Name: Beacon Trusteeship Limited
Address: 4 C and D Siddhivinayak Chambers, Gandhi Nagar, Opposite
MIG Cricket Club, Bandra East, Mumbai -400051
Telephone: 022-26558759
Email: compliance[at]beacontrustee[dot]co[dot]in
Contact Person: Mr. Kaustubh Kulkarni

Address for Correspondence

Investor Relation Office

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent Registered & Corporate Office
Unit: GAIL (India) Limited
F-65, Okhla Industrial Area
Phase – I
New Delhi – 110 020

Ph: 011-41406149/50/51/52
Fax: 011-41709881
Email-id: admin[at]mcsregistrars[dot]com
GAIL (India) Limited
16, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
R.K. Puram,
New Delhi – 110 066

Ph: 011-26172580, 26182955
Fax: 011-26185941
For Institutional Investors & Analysts For Retail Investors
Shri Sashi Menon, ED (F&A)
Email-id: sashimenon[at]gail[dot]co[dot]in
Shri Mahesh Kumar Agarwal, (Company Secretary)
Email-id: shareholders[at]gail[dot]co[dot]in

Terms and conditions of appointment

Independent Directors are presently paid Sitting fee of Rs. 40,000/- and Rs. 30,000/- for attending each meeting of the Board and Committee respectively and no profit related commission is paid or stock option allowed.

Last Updated: January 13, 2024

Also in this Section